Dragon Fruit (Pitaya)

15 Reasons to Love Dragon Fruit!

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1. SUPERFOOD. One dragon fruit is only about 60 calories and 80% water.  Loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, while low in calories and rich in fiber, this fruit is definitely a superfood!

2.  DIGESTION & METABOLISM. Since it is high in fiber this fruit is optimal for digestive health and may aid in weight loss through helping to improve your metabolic rate.  The high fiber content will not only keep you feeling fuller for longer, but will also help to regulate blood sugar levels.

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3. PREVENTS CVD. Studies have shown that dragon fruit can help decrease high levels of oxidative stress which in turn helps to prevent cardiovascular disease.

4. REDUCE TRIGLYCERIDES. The seeds in dragon fruit are sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids).  These healthy fats actually help reduce triglycerides and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

5. REDUCE BAD CHOLESTEROL. The fruit also contains vitamin B3 which helps to lower bad (LDL) cholesterol while raising good (HDL) cholesterol levels.

6. ANTIOXIDANT RICH. The seeds also contain the beneficial antioxidants phytoalbumins which aid in the prevention of cancer-causing free radicals.

7. CANCER PREVENTION. The antioxidant lycopene is the pigment responsible for the red color of the fruit and this compound has been associated with a reduced risk of common cancers, such as prostate and breast cancer.

8. HEALING PROPERTIES. The vitamin C helps to blocks tumor cell growth and aids healing of cuts and bruises.

9. IMMUNITY. The high vitamin and mineral content in dragon fruit, ranging from vitamin’s C, B1, B2, B3, as well as calcium, phosphorous, iron, protein, niacin and fiber, make it a great way to improve the functioning of your immune system.

10. INCREASE ENERGY. Vitamins B1 and B2 can also help to increase energy.

11. EYE HEALTH. This fruit contains Vitamin A in the form of carotene which is needed by the retina of the eye for both low-light (night vision) and color vision.

12. STRENGTHEN BONES. Because it is a good source of calcium and phosphorous, dragon fruit helps strengthen bones and teeth and aids in tissue formation and repair.

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13. ANTI-AGING. The antioxidants in dragon fruit work against free radicals and help to improve the appearance of skin by smoothing and moisturizing it  making the skin tighter and younger looking.

14. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY. Provides alkalinity due to high vitamin and mineral content, helping to reduce inflammation and irritation in joints.

15. DELICIOUS! It is delicious on it’s own or in a fruit salad, a smoothie, or in a yogurt parfait.